Re: FYI:w00f: UFO hiding behind Hale-Bopp: the plot thickens... (fwd)

From: Reality (
Date: Fri Mar 28 1997 - 13:33:03 MST

On Thu, 27 Mar 1997, Lee Daniel Crocker wrote:

["]> THis really ticks me off. They ought to press murder or some other
["]> charges against Shramek, the amateur astronomer who claimed that he
["]> spotted a huge "saturn-like" ufo behind Hale-Bopp several months ago.
["]> It's his scientific fraud that perpetrated all this crap. The fact that
["]> he was shown to be wrong but refused to acknowledge the truth publicly
["]> is a damn crime. THis is one example of all the people he's hoodwinked
["]> with his BS.
["]Caveat Lector. That seems like just another "blame the speaker" rant
["]for what is a deficiency in the listener. If they willingly believed
["]a man with less credibility than the Enquirer, and cheerfully killed
["]themselves (and every indication is that they were sober and "jovial"
["]in their last moments), and he didn't actually encourage them to kill
["]themselves or defraud them of money or anything, I'd say we just chalk
["]it up to not-so-natural selection.
["]Otherwise, we'd have to charge every chruch in the world with too many
["]crimes to count.
["]Lee Daniel Crocker <> <>
["]"All inventions or works of authorship original to me, herein and past,
["]are placed irrevocably in the public domain, and may be used or modified
["]for any purpose, without permission, attribution, or notification."--LDC

Well said, Lee Daniel Crocker. :)

"...And you know they'll never find us, and they'll leave us alone, and if
 we just keep on talking then we'll still make it home."

 - Orbital, "The Box"

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