Re: What is to be done?

From: Chris Hind (
Date: Sat Mar 22 1997 - 23:19:13 MST

>> The following expresses some uncharacteristically dark thoughts, so I write
>> here under a pseudonym.
>Why on earth do you need/want to do that? I ask not for my own information,
>but I suspect that you might find out a lot about you if you answered it
>just for yourself.
>> ... and I fear my friendship is mortally wounded.
>Please allow me to express my sympathies on the damagaged friendship.
>I hope that you and your friend do make peace.
>But, for all the non-friends, I say:
>If we waited for the lowest common denominator to accept a new idea
>we would still be in a cave arguing if it's blasphemous to rub two
>sticks together.
>> What is to be done?
>You have 2 choices: you can be you or you can be like them.
>Robert Schrader

OH YES OH YES! I LOVE THIS POST! Robert, You da man!

"Risk: You cannot discover new oceans unless you have the courage
 to lose sight of the shore."

Chris Hind ( Upward, Outward, ACTION!
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