Re: What is to be done? (and Eugene's rant)

Date: Sat Mar 22 1997 - 12:45:05 MST

In a message dated 97-03-22 10:36:27 EST, you write:
<< Most of the people to whom I
 explain transhumanism and extropianism have negative reactions.>>
According to some 80% of the world is depressed at any one time. It is the
most common illness mental OR physical. See Martin Seligman's _Learned
Optimism_ for references to this statistic.
 <<But there are antidotes to these negative thoughts. First, I've learned
 read less of the list. Once a thread wanders into an area in which I'm not
 interested (or if it starts that way), I just delete the messages. Some
 times I have pangs of guilt, especially if I delete a message by an author
 whose writing I've liked in the past, but keeping up with things takes some
 ruthlessness these days.>>
Exactly. Delete, Delete, Delete. With out even reading one word. I don't
want to brainwash myself into depression, so, it's the most effective
antidote. Immunization from such negativity also comes from internal
refutation of the negative memes and by realizing that the person is in a
state of depression all be it an intelligent person and even well laid out
argument or "reason" to be pessimistic. Nevertheless, a good argument for
pessimism does not sway me very much since there are so many ways to refute
<< More importantly, Eugene and Velociman both point to the same problem, but
 different ways. Eugene despairs of actually bringing our goals to fruition
 and Velociman fears we will be stopped by those who oppose us. Work toward
 one can help avoid the other, but it needs to be done right. >>
But "right" does not mean only _one_ way. There are thousands (millions for
the creative mind) of ways to work towards the future I want.
 <<Post-humanity will happen in a thousand laboratories and businesses. This
 where the real forefront of transhumanism and extropianism lies. Our
 important work is there. If you're a researcher or entrepreneur, go to it.
  As the ad campaign says, "Just do it." >>
I would suggest the book _First Things First_ and _The Seven Habits of Highly
Effective People_ both by Stephen Covey.
<< While science thrives on SCIENTIFIC controversy, it withers in the
 face of social and political controversy. While business enterprise thrives

 on ECONOMIC competition, it avoids ideological competition. Most working
 scientists and technologists are rightly afraid of becoming publicly
 in social controversy, for fear of losing funding for their research.
  Businessmen fear explicit or implicit boycott. Overcoming this problem is
 one of the key challenges facing us.
 Dynamically optimistic, >>

Dynamically Optimistic,


March 22, 1997
9:08 am PACIFIC

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