TECH: birds and bees || corpus digitalis || dense and denser || aiuto

From: Eugene Leitl (
Date: Wed Mar 19 1997 - 01:27:06 MST

First international coference for the development of new technologies for
micro-aircraft was recently held at the Georgia Tech Research Institute.
DARPA of DoD will finance such projects. Future tiny aircraft are meant
for recon missions within destroyed buildings and of contaminated land.
This set of demands imposes novel aerodynamic constraints, moreover
the microremote cum cargo must weigh <50 g, and be capable of fully
autonomous flight.

Both Visible Human data sets are now commercially available on CDROM,
albeit in reduced resolution (original: man 15 GByte, woman 25 GByte,
since interslice distance 0.33 mm).

NEC has a 4 GBit DRAM developed. 0.15 um structures, a four-level process.
Memory bandwidth is 1 Gbit/s at 125 MHz clock. Commercial availability
not before the year 2000.

Mercedes and debis Telematic Services currently develop their TeleAid,
Telematic Alarm Identification on Demand. It triggers alarm either on
demand or automagically (e.g. after a heavy car crash). Information is
sent via D-Net (paneuropean cellular) is car ID, last GPS fix, and a
time stamp. Also, a speech link is attempted. Alarm is routed via debis
to local police Einsatzzentrale, which then dispatches a regional rescue
team. (Notice: we could now had a personal wearable biotracker developed,
the technology is all there. Notice Hara Ra's project).


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