Re: Extropic art: symbolism, interpretation & association

From: Natasha V. More (fka Nancie Clark) (
Date: Sun Mar 16 1997 - 18:34:20 MST

At 12:27 PM 3/16/97 +0000, Sarah Marr wrote:

>>Also, some of Sarah's questions are answered, briefly yet cogently, in the
>>Transhumanist and Extropic Art FAQ which can be read at my URL. Here I have
>>stated by degrees how art can be considered extropic by the creative author
>>as well as the audience.
>I didn't raise any specific questions in my post: were you thinking of any
>which arise implicitly or by extrapolation?

To clarify the directive of Extropic Art. (It was unnecessary, actually.)

>Also, although the FAQs are very well-written and informative in describing
>Transhumanist and Extropian Art, they don't address themselves to the
>specific issue raised by my posts.

Yes, this is true, not specifically.

> They could be used to allow a
>consideration of some of my general points in the more specific area of
>these forms of art, but they don't directly confirm or deny my statements.

There is no "central" authority.

>>Now, with the above information as the starting point for creative work,
>>there is a continuous balance, just as there is in life and with every
>>decision that we make, whether *art* or not.
>My point being that observers may not have any of that information, and are
>therefore free to create their own interpretations which may be entirely at
>odds with that of the artist. This is no big news, nor a criticism of art,
>nor a call for censorship: merely, an observation yet to be refuted.

This goes with the territory. If we are introducing new concepts as
transhumans and especially extropian transhumans, how we present what could
be seen as threatening concepts that shake the ground people walk on --
then, a sense of diplomacy, presentation and marketing is essential. I can't
tell anyone else how to present new ideas, but I am sure that if I want to
be successful, I will take careful notice of how a public might respond. If
I want a pubic to respond with opened arms, I'll not hit them over the head
with threatening concepts, but attempt a warm and inviting constant.

Thanks, Sarah, for igniting my brain cells. Your posts are always so


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