Re: Cloning is Here

From: Michael Lorrey (
Date: Mon Feb 24 1997 - 15:11:09 MST wrote:
> Here's just one snippet from one of the web sites Sean points us to:
> > Dr. Patrick Dixon, author of “The Genetic Revolution,” said the
> advance
> > had “horrendous” implications. ‘What is its value if it comes with the
> > enormous risk of some nut trying to clone himself?’
> >Editor, "Bulletin of Medical Ethics"
> > “We will probably be able to recover the dead from
> >their bodies before they die. In this way, parents could
> >‘reproduce’ a carbon copy of a child who tragically died,”
> >he told The Sunday Telegraph. “This is something that
> >needs to be regulated and outlawed.”
> > Dr. Richard Nicholson, editor of the “Bulletin of
> >Medical Ethics,” told The Sunday Telegraph he was
> >surprised the government had sanctioned the experiment.
> > “It was a nice technical problem, but what is its value
> >if it comes with the enormous risk of some nut trying to
> >clone himself?” he asked.
> Clearly, this will precipitate a firestorm of discussion and a lot of
> reactions like those quoted above. I suggest we focus very closely on the
> public reaction and use the List here to share any information about
> developing attempts to outlaw this technology. Assuming this result is
> verified, it obviously has tremendous potential. I'm almost sorry it
> happened before our ideas have had more time to take root and serve as a
> memetic inocculation against this sort of knee-jerk response. . .

Don't worry, abortion was considered a horrendous and immoral idea for a
long time, but is now legal in almost every nation. Those that outlaw
cloning will simply create a market for high priced cloning in legal
jurisdictions. You'd think that people would learn from history.
Personally, I'd love to have few more of me around to talk to.
Outlawing it will actually strengthen our hand, as we can get publicity
by filing lawsuits against restrictive governments, asylum in freindly
nations, and gain recongnition by Amnesty International as an opressed
political group.

Here's an interesting way to use cloning to discredit anti-abortionists:
if they are for life, they must be for cloning. Getting support from
womens groups would be a plus here.

This makes me want to go to medical school just to learn how to clone,
so I can start up a cloning clinic for fun and profit.....

			Michael Lorrey
Northstar Technologies		Agent
Inventor of the Lorrey Drive
Now Featuring: 
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