Re: Be the first on your block....

From: Chris Hind (
Date: Wed Jan 29 1997 - 01:01:23 MST

>Right now these things require cable, but the satellite people have
>got to be working on it. After that, the cell phone people will get
>into the act. Combine this with the Sony (!) Watchman, and you're
>most of the way to a Dick Tracy wrist communicator that also surfs
>the Web!
>I love it!

I think the technology worshipping of the 1950s came a few decades too
short. Your computer is God, the desk it sits upon is an altar. And someday
a rapture will occur and take everone off the planet and upload them into
heaven. :) I consider myself beloning to the "Church of Technology".

"Risk: You cannot discover new oceans unless you have the courage
 to lose sight of the shore."

Chris Hind ( Upward, Outward, ACTION!
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