Re: Captain Picard: Future Scalp of Humanity?

From: Lee Daniel Crocker (
Date: Tue Jan 28 1997 - 18:49:51 MST

> <<
> I'm not aging, I'm evolving; yeah, that's it. Seriously, though, wouldn't
> the cultural associations of hair type with sexual attractiveness
> overwhelm any small environmentally adaptive effect baldness might have?
> Zahavi makes a good case that attractiveness cues evolve faster precisely
> because they /are/ handicaps.
> >>
QM> are you positing that male baldness isn't sexy ?

I certainly hope not, for my own sake (the picture on my web
site is a few years old--that hairline is now only a memory).
Baldness has actually caught on in recent years, luckily.
But I must confess a definite lack of attraction to bald females,
and the environmentally adaptive argument applies to them as well
as to males. I suspect that cultural bias will keep long-haired
females around for a long time, the occasional Sinead O'Conner

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