RE: healing, pain

From: Fred C. Moulton (
Date: Sat Jan 18 1997 - 13:26:43 MST


Sorry to hear about your injury. I am not a physician so I can not
be much help. The only comment I can make is that if the medicine
expired in 1992, I would not take it. Some medicines break down into
rather toxic substances over time and this might retard your healing
process and long term health.

Hope you get better soon,


At 09:09 AM 1/15/97 -0800, you wrote:
>I fractured my humerus, and am supposed to be down six weeks. I have two
>fast, accurate healing
>I'm taking vicodan and wearing a sling, so far, but I bet I can do better
>(I also need more motivation to work with one hand than I need to work with
>two. I expected the vicodan to make me very lethargic, but it's not so bad.
>It expired in 1992, which might explain why it's not so bad). Any ideas?

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