Libertarian or "Dynamic" Socialism (fixed)

From: Robin Hanson (
Date: Wed Jan 08 1997 - 17:13:55 MST

Jamal Hannah writes:
>In it [Engil] he described his idea of a collectivist or socialistic
>anarchy vs. a individualistic and misnamedly capitalistic
>anarchy. I think he had his definitions mixed up, however, and
>I'll attempt to set the record straight.
>... In the case of a socialistic win-win situation,
>you have cases where two people agree to work on building a house.
>both will eventually benefit from the warmth of the house... but
>their agreement is not based on the exchange of capital, ...
>So-called Libertarian capitalism or "Anarcho-capitalism" is described as
>capitalism without the state. This, however, is far from comparable to
>libertarian socialism or even anarchist individualism. A capitalism
>without the state would not do away with state regulations
>of private property, because the new private state put up to protect
>private property would prevent people from utilizing vast areas of
>property. ...
>Libertarian socialism assumes people own their own bodies, unlike
>"anarcho-capitalism" where the individual is "owned" by the corporation
>they work for. In "anarcho-" capitalist society human behavior is regulated
>by the imposition of regulatory patents, copyright laws, and so on.

What would you call a world where differnt people make different
voluntary arrangements? In some areas, people agree to respect
organizations which enforce property rights, and in some other areas
people agree to not respect such capital ownership. Treaties between
the areas determine what happens when a person from one area enters
the other area. The sort of anarchism I'm interested in is one where
all arrangements are based on voluntary agreements, regardless of
whether those argeements respect capital, corporations, or whatever.
Is there a name for this?

Robin D. Hanson

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