Re: Genius and Y chromosomes.

From: E. Shaun Russell (
Date: Mon Jan 06 1997 - 23:46:11 MST

        At the risk of sounding like a 'me too' post, I think I'll give a
virtual clapping and cheering to Eliezer's initial post. I think the post
was necessary to the general topic, and I hope that those who took the time
to read it got the point.

                                        Kudos to Eliezer

                                                -E. Shaun Russell

     ~~~:~~~> E. ternity E. Shaun Russell
        :~~> E. xpansion
        :~~~> E. xtropy Extropian poet\musician,
                                                Transhumanities editor for
"Divided we stand, together we rise" Homo Excelsior Magazine
                        -Derek W. Dick

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