Re: TECH: Cheapo Augmented Reality & Telepresence Spycams

From: Eugene Leitl (
Date: Sat Jan 04 1997 - 03:19:42 MST

On Fri, 3 Jan 1997, Regina Pancake wrote:
> Regarding your v.r. problem, why do you have to wear anything on your head
> at all? why not utilize the go anywhere solution. yes I'm talking about
> computer controlled (smart) all terrian holographic generators directly
> linked to your server. Yes? no?

1. because it is cheaper (no need to install beamers in the Gobi/dark
   side of the Moon/Magellan Clouds. Holographic generators do not exist)
2. because you can do true interactive 3d
3. because you decide what you see, not relying on the owner of the beamer


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