Re: Parallel universes and Shroedinger's cat

From: Damien Broderick (
Date: Sun Dec 29 1996 - 18:26:32 MST

At 01:10 AM 12/30/96 +0100, Eivind Berge wrote:
> Then you ran the experiment again, umpteen times, and observed
>that you are still alive. If the many-worlds theory is true, you will
>always survive in one of the "new" universes, with knowledge of your
>history of good luck.

Something like this happens to the protagonist in Greg Egan's terrific first

In my novella `Schro:dinger's Dog', sometimes (quite rarely, it's true) when
you open the box you find not a live cat or a dead cat but a-- (woof)

Damien Broderick

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