List Filtration (a.k.a.: Signal to Noise Ratio)

From: David Musick (
Date: Mon Dec 23 1996 - 00:56:27 MST

Here's a solution we may want to try, to have a list with a high signal:noise
ratio. Lets make two lists. One of them will be the "Quality Extropian List"
and the other will be "Casual Extropian List" Everyone will have access to
both lists and before posting anything, will decide which list their post is
most appropriate for. This post, for example, would go on the Casual
Extropian List, since I don't think it is a particularly high quality or
interesting enough post to put on the Quality Extropian List, which should be
reserved for more well-thought-out and well-written essays. It will be up to
individual posters to post their writings to the appropriate list. Each of us
writes high quality posts sometimes and also engages in idle banter about some
mildly interesting subject. Those who want to read only high quality posts
can subscribe only to the Quality Extropian List. Those who want both, can
subscribe to both and perhaps contribute to both. Also, most comments
regarding posts appearing on the Quality Extropian List should be directed to
the Casual Extropian List, unless the comments are well-thought-out and
well-written enough to warrant being on the Quality Extropian List.

There would, of course, be no one stopping anyone from posting whatever they
wanted on the Quality Extropian List. But I think we're capable of governing
ourselves and voluntarily obeying the rules of the forum. Let's give it a
try. If it doesn't work, then we can always go back the way we do it now. I
think it could be a lot better than what we have now, though. Especially for
the people reading the archives, since they can get right to the quality stuff
without having to filter through all the mediocre stuff.

 - David Musick

 -- The law is a poor substitute for simply knowing what is right and doing
it. --

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