Re: Brin on privacy

From: Michael Lorrey (
Date: Fri Dec 20 1996 - 21:29:26 MST

Eric Watt Forste wrote:
> Lyle Burkhead wrote:
> >Let me rephrase my original statement: using more encryption than
> >other people commonly use is like painting your windows black when
> >everybody else uses curtains. It just attracts attention.
> Why do you continue nattering about this topic as if you had never
> heard of steganography?
> I'm not going to look up the numbers and do the math for you (you're
> such a math genius I'm sure you can handle that yourself), but if
> you think the US federal government, or any government, has the
> resources not only to scan for and identify all encrypted messages
> in transit but also to single out the messages that are using
> stronger than usual encryption, especially when you add in the
> factor of steganography... well, actually, I know that you don't
> think that. You're not *that* stupid. You're just up to your usual
> tricks, sowing Fear, Uncertainty, and Doubt whereever and whenever
> you think it will turn the game to your advantage.
> I know the NSA and other narc groups have black budgets, but the
> black budgets are simply not large enough to do surveillance as
> complete as you describe on as much bandwidth as they'd have to
> monitor to create the illusory dangers you are depicting. Various
> government bodies in the United States only eat about fifty percent
> of the economy, and most of that is accounted for outside of the
> black budgets. The kind of surveillance you describe would be so
> expensive that it would leave a signal in the accounting books at
> the macro level.
> Try again, Herr FUD. Perhaps you can describe us some sectors of
> the underground economy we've never heard of, and paint a pretty
> picture about how these sectors are funding the narcs in their
> nefarious schemes you'd like us to believe in.

Thats the real reason why the feds wanna regulate dietary supplements:
once they are illegal, the CIA can smuggle them in from Columbia and
sell them to extropians at black market prices, thus making us pay for
our own surveillance.

			Michael Lorrey
Northstar Technologies		Agent
Inventor of the Lorrey Drive
Inventor, Webmaster, Ski Guide, Entrepreneur, Artist, 
Outdoorsman, Libertarian, Certified Genius.

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