Re: Arrogant Bastards

From: Eliezer Yudkowsky (
Date: Thu Dec 12 1996 - 16:44:31 MST

> > I'm rolling on the floor. I don't know how I'm posting this.
> I lost a noseful of coffee on that one, too. But then, I've been
> moved to say things I hope no one archives from time to time. I'll
> make sure to preserve this one to show him when he's 30.

Does the phrase "tongue-in-cheek" mean anything to you?

> Working definition of the term "arrogance": Self-righteousness
> manifesting as condescension and belief in one's own correctness.

> Working definition of "bastard": A person who doesn't care when others
> are hurt.

> Conclusion: I am not an arrogant bastard, I was right all along, you're
> totally off the wall, and idiots like you shouldn't meddle in the
> affairs of their intellectual superiors.

Your reactions were what I intended. I think Romana knew that, or at
least I took her post as a compliment:
> Yudkowsky yanks out:
sounds a bit like "yanking our chains" or "pulling our legs",
though I'm not sure. What does it mean, Romana?

--       Eliezer S. Yudkowsky

Disclaimer:  Unless otherwise specified, I'm not telling you
everything I think I know.

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