FYI:Workshop Robotics-Biol.-Psychol. (fwd)

From: Eugene Leitl (
Date: Thu Dec 12 1996 - 11:49:55 MST

| |transhumanism >H, cryonics, |
| |nanotechnology, etc. etc. |
| |"deus ex machina, v.0.0.alpha" |
|icbmto:N 48 10'07'' E 011 33'53'' | |

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: 12 Dec 1996 12:05:00 GMT
From: Auke Ijspeert <>
To: "bionet.neuroscience mail newsgroup" <>
Subject: Workshop Robotics-Biol.-Psychol.


        Interdisciplinary Workshop: Robotics, Biology, Psychology

                  Monday 10 March 1997 (to be confirmed)
                University of Edinburgh, department of AI



Artificial Intelligence Robotics research is today strongly inspired
by concepts from Biology and Psychology. Robots whose architecture and/or
behaviour are biologically inspired are described as `Animats'. As
terms such as `Computational Neuroethology' and `Synthetic Psychology'
become more and more frequent in Robotics, we thought it would be
interesting to make a review of how ideas from Biology and Psychology
are applied to Robotics and to discuss if experiments in Robotics may
give some insights on biological and psychological models in return.

The workshop will be one day long, divided into 2 sessions:
1) ARCHITECTURES of animals and animats
2) BEHAVIOURS of animals and animats.
Talks with the same keywords will be given by researchers from
Robotics, Biology and Psychology. A discussion with a panel of experts
will conclude each session. The speakers and panelists are to be

The workshop is FREE. Every researcher from Robotics, Biology and
Psychology is welcome (please return the registration form
below). Poster presentation of research related to the topics of the
workshop is warmly encouraged. There will be no proceedings, but a web
page will be kept with a summary of the talks and discussions, the
titles of the posters presented and a contact list of the

For more information, see the web page:

Thank you for your attention,
                Mobile Robots Group, Dept. of A.I., U. of Edinburgh


Please return this form to





Research interests:
(will be noted on the participants list)

Poster presentation: yes/no

Title of the poster:

Does the date (Monday 10 March) suit you? yes/no

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