Technology in the hands of Artists

From: Chris Hind (
Date: Sat Dec 07 1996 - 23:44:09 MST

I've seen that many people on the list are into forms of art that are
bizarre yet beautiful such as H.R Giger, and M. C. Escher. It will be
incredible what breakthrough artists such as these and others will be able
to accomplish with new technologies creating entire full scale virtual
worlds or universes with virtual reality tech coming in the near future.
I've suddenly become in awe of the ideal mix of artist and engineer. We
don't need one or the other, we require both. There isn't a duality. I've
come to this conclusion recently being entranced with the music by Loreena
McKennitt in "the mask and the mirror". You can get it at any Natural
Wonders store. Anyone into those artists meantioned above should definately
checkout this music. I never realized that art played such an integral role
in defining our future. I wonder how art will be at the turn of the
millenium? Evolving art that mutates and evolves according to our sense of

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