TANSTAAFL or Something for Nothing

From: Hal Dunn (johngalt@digital.net)
Date: Sat Nov 30 1996 - 00:12:30 MST

I think some of the posts on the meaning of TANSTAAFL are very good, but
some of them seem to be missing Heinlein's point. I think he meant that --
one way or another:

 - Everything is caused by a reason
 - Everything is paid for by someone
 - Everything has a cost
 - For every action there is an equal -- but opposite -- reaction
 - A free lunch is still paid for by someone
 - If you think health care is expensive now, wait till it's free (PJ O'Rourke)

Or as Neil Peart said:

"You don't get something for nothing / You can't have freedom for free
You won't get wise / With the sleep still in your eyes
No matter what your dreams might be . . .
What you own is your own kingdom / What you do is your own glory
What you love is your own power / What you live is your own story
In your head is the answer / Let it guide you along
Let your heart be the anchor / And the beat of your own song"

--Lyrics by Neil Peart *Something for Nothing* (Rush "2112")

In liberty & peace, Hal Dunn (johngalt@digital.net)
Hal Dunn

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