Star Trek conv. booth (Re: "Star Trek: First Contact" Technical Questions)

From: Douglas Houts (
Date: Mon Nov 25 1996 - 10:28:34 MST

> Also has anyone ever thought of putting together an
> organization that would show up at trekkie conventions and create a fund to
> pump into R&D for space travel?

Michael Lorrey:
>Tell you what, I'll have my Lorrey Drive prototype finished definitely
>by the next WorldCon, so if Extropy wants to jump in, I'll lend the demo
>unit as a OOOOOOH WOW attractor.

If anyone starts planning to do this, you might want to contact the Artemis
Society ( to get some material promoting their private lunar
base development ideas.

Doug Houts

"Why do people who say 'there's no free lunch' have expense accounts?"

Bob Black

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