A = (A + -A)

From: Ian Goddard (igoddard@erols.com)
Date: Sat Nov 16 1996 - 01:24:10 MST

 At 03:52 PM 11/14/96 -0600, Ira Brodsky wrote:

> Even if I do sometimes ridicule the idea that A = -A (which I do),
> remember I am ridiculing an *idea*.

IAN: Should an idea be subjected to "ridicule" or to logical inquiry ?
While I choose the latter, it appears you choose the former, since,
as best as I can recall, I've not seen evidence of your having
ever offered the latter. Please correct me if I'm wrong
by showing me your infallible logical refutation.

 IAN GODDARD <igoddard@erols.com> Q U E S T I O N A U T H O R I T Y
 VISIT Ian Goddard's Universe -----> http://www.erols.com/igoddard

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