Re: accept no limits

From: Michael Lorrey (
Date: Sat Nov 09 1996 - 14:43:59 MST

Dejan Vucinic wrote:
> Anders Sandberg wrote:
> > (Fun problem: think of how to circumvent the Bekenstein Bound and get
> > infinite information. It is possible in theory)
> Simple. Find out what lies beyond quantum mechanics: it's just a
> theory, remember? (An incredibly solid one, though.)
> Regards,
> --dv

WHile developing FTL capability would be GREAT, we must make plans on
what is practical, based on extrapolation from _known_ information.

Anders: Considering that actually going light speed IS impossible,
unless we are mere software riding a laserbeam to a reciever on another
planet, we will be a little more restrained than just the light locus.
Assuming an average 20 light years in our local area between habitable
earthlike worlds (not really neccessary, but a good motivator for the
majority of mere humans), and a requirement to only accelerate and
decellerate at 1 G, the average jump of colonization expansion will take
approximately 22 years, or an average rate of 0.9 C. THen assuming that
we have a virgin world on the other end, a certain logistical base would
need to be built before the next jump could be attempted. If one has a
significant base of automatons, even nontech, one could concievably send
an automaton scouting party ahead at higher accelerations to prep a
base, which would decrease the lag time between jumps. If up-minds
wished to beam out to the new colony, there would also be a drag on
further expansion by the need to build capacity for the influx of
upminds. This would be a good problem to develop an algorithm for,
possibly another video game, Conquer the Universe or some such.


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