Re: ; - )Neanderthal Miracles

From: Lyle Burkhead (
Date: Fri Nov 01 1996 - 23:22:24 MST

QueeneMUSE writes,

> Lyle (intstigator of A.I. mindfuck) writes:
> >Here is an example. In 1989 I met Leslie Graves, my favorite pin-up
> girl, and eventually she became my (more or less voluntary) sex slave.
> >Does this qualify as a miracle?
> No, I think it qualifies as anachronistic, adolescent,
> limited by tradition, sexist meme!

This is very, very bizarre. I wish I could show this post to Leslie
and watch the expression on her face. The word "sexist" never entered
her mind. She would never use such language. That was one thing
we had in common.

> To make it a "modern miracle": You found out not
> only was she interested in pleasing you sexually,
> she had a great mind, the same interests and
> passions as you and the emotional equipment to really
> adore you?

I take my miracles when I can get them... Leslie didn't have a great
mind, but in her limited way she was a real artist, not a "political" artist.
(I'm using the past tense because she died last year, more or less the
same way Jimi Hendrix died.)

I basically agree with your conclusion, and I intend to find a woman
who shares my interests and passions. The amazing thing is that my
interests & passions, which used to be extremely esoteric, have
suddenly become the trendiest thing on campus. Another miracle.


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