China Plans Space Flights, Moon Landing

From: John Blanco-Losada (
Date: Fri Nov 01 1996 - 10:39:41 MST

         BEIJING, Oct 31 (Reuter) - China hopes for a breakthrough in
manned spaceflights early next century and hopes to land a
spacecraft on the moon in the 21st century, the Xinhua news
agency said on Thursday.
         The ambitious space programme was aimed at giving China a
competitive edge in international space development, Xinhua
said, quoting senior officials.
         Manned spaceflights are being given top priority in the
space programme, which includes building a heavy solar satellite
in partnership with Germany as well as building a new generation
of lightweight spacecraft to 'bus' satellites into orbit, Xinhua
         ``The country is expected to make a breakthrough in manned
space technology at the beginning of the next century,'' Xinhua
said, quoting Wang Liheng, vice-administrator of the China
National Space Administration.
         China was working on technologies badly needed for moon
exploration to provide cheap transport systems for lunar-landing
spacecraft so as to explore the moon and to develop lunar
resources, it said.

 John Blanco-Losada "You must be the change you wish to see in the world." - M. Gandhi
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