On being Extropian ( was Eagles and Parrots)

From: Ira Brodsky (ibrodsky@ix3.ix.netcom.com)
Date: Sun Oct 13 1996 - 01:35:40 MDT

Kathryn Aegis wrote:

>I comment from the view of having been a facilitator for many years.
>I sense a strong exclusionary tone on this list, and I'm not into
>that. I stay out of Mensa for similar reasons.
>If being extropian means checking my emotions at the door, than,
>fine, I should seek other fora.

Here's what I am hoping this list will be: a place for people who fervently
believe in intellectual and technological progress to test and refine (or
discard) their ideas.

At the risk of oversimplifying, I have found there are basically two kinds
of people on the net: those who are interested in getting at the truth, and
those who are simply looking for validation of what they already believe.
The former tend to become thick-skinned, because they know how easy it is
to be sarcastic in this medium; besides, they are more interested in the
issues than their own feelings. The latter, however, see every criticism
of their ideas as an attack against their person.

Yes Kathyrn, I can't help but laugh when you say "I sense a strong
exclusionary tone on this list." Everyone else is too busy getting their
own ideas beat up to think about excluding you.

Ira Brodsky
Datacomm Research Company
Wilmette, Illinois

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