Re: Hedonism

From: E. Shaun Russell (
Date: Tue Oct 08 1996 - 13:43:50 MDT

On 8\10\96, Ira Brodsky responded:

>Your first view interprets the word "meaning" as entirely subjective, which
>is certainly not what I intended. What I'm trying to get at is whether
>there is more to "the meaning of life" than just a collection of various
>people's opinions. Can we come up with some objective purpose(s)?

        Here I get to use one of my favorite sayings: 'infinite
possiblities, but only one truth.' The amalgam of various peoples' opinions
is truly one thing: self purpose. That, I think, is as objective as you can

>Your second view strikes me as meaningless. In essence, you are saying
>existence is all the justification you need in defining your goals.

        Not Huge difference. While most people exist,
and ponder on (no offense...example only) 'the meaning of life', others
enjoy their life for what it is worth. They enjoy the fact that they can
create their own destiny.

>Is there a third view? Does anyone here think there is a "purpose" to life
>that does not require the existence of a creator/god/punisher?

        I don't want to dwell on this --I believe that everyone has a right
to their opinion-- but I cannot see how someone can live their life
following someone\something they have not seen, heard or met. To answer
your question:
yes, I do believe that there is a purpose to life that doesn't need some
deus or 'higher force' to control. My decisions and my pursuits (me being
an atheist and all) are in no way hindered by the fact that I do not believe
in a conventional 'God' or 'higher force'. Is it not me who creates my purpose?
I agree with extropian views because *I choose* to agree with them, not
because I am a marionette of a god. I am an work is not only
poetry and music, but self-creation. Is that not a purpose?

                                        Ingredi Externus!

                                                -E. Shaun Russell

"Self-creation is the highest art"
                        --David Zindell

E. Shaun Russell Extropian poet\musician

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