RE: Hedonism

From: Steve Pruitt (
Date: Thu Oct 03 1996 - 14:21:15 MDT

You can't conquer death (and everything else) if you are a slave to
physical needs/desires.

i am having a hard time following this reasoning. i, too, look forward to an indefinate
period of physical joys. i study the martial arts and the physicality of it is one of
my supreme pleasures.

As I recall, someone on this list (maybe it was
Max More?) said they would not want to be uploaded to exist solely as
intellect. Why not? Do you think if you achieved such an existence you
would miss having physical needs/desires? I doubt it.

how do you know?

(Of course, I'm sure at some point virtual sex will be indistinguishable
from, and better than, the real thing. In fact, you could probably just
configure yourself in an endless loop. But it would be an entirely
meaningless existence.)

I am not recommending abstinence. It would be equally foolish -- while we
have no alternative to inhabiting our biological homes -- to waste energy
fighting their physical needs and desires. But the greatest and most
lasting pleasure is experienced through the pursuit of knowledge.

actually, i like a balance.

I also don't buy all the stuff about sex being the ultimate transfer of
information (serial or parallel). That would be achieved by donning a
helmet that lets you absorb all the information and wisdom contained in all
the world's libraries in just an hour or two.

well, it kinda depends on what you are trying to transfer.


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