Re: Superset <=> subset

From: Dr. Rich Artym (
Date: Sat Sep 28 1996 - 05:16:41 MDT

In message <>, Ian Goddard writes:

> There is zero inconsistency here, dichotomy is a constant. I am
> still waiting for evidence of the identity free from dichotomy.

While you wait, Ian, ...

I hope that you're going to make use of the fruits of fuzzy logic and
not ignore them just because they are not consistent with your logic. :-)

They are already revolutionizing the level of machine intelligence around
us and may well be the starting point for future SIs. I'd hate to think
that you won't be launching into space because you think that the world
is flat, to make an analogy. Perhaps a lesson from scientific pragmatism
would be useful here: everyone has always known that there is no such
thing as electrons being discrete particles or waves, yet we have all
been happy to create our TVs and microwave ovens and space shuttles as
if those concepts were part of reality. So it is with other constructs
from thought space, like logics. They don't *have* to be consistent
with each other, nor do they need any more than a passing relationship
with reality. They just have to be *useful*.


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