Queen of Angels (was re: Brain Hackers)

From: Damien Broderick (damien@ariel.ucs.unimelb.edu.au)
Date: Wed Sep 25 1996 - 19:45:21 MDT

At 04:05 PM 9/25/96 -0700, Kevin Kennedy wrote:

>Greg Bear's _Queen of Angels_ proposes just such a system for exploring the
>subconscious. Dubbed "the country of the mind," [etc trimmed]

>The attempt to scientifically justify the "country of the
>mind" angle is weak, IMHO.
>A good read.

A wonderful book. When I reviewed it in Australia, I praised Bear's use of
up to date cog sci. and was somewhat abashed when I met him a few months
later and he explained that the `country of mind' is grounded firmly in
Jung, and is a notion he'd been developing independently (on that basis)
since he was a teenager...

Damien Broderick

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