RE: The Extropian Principles

From: Jeff Dee (
Date: Wed Sep 18 1996 - 09:48:11 MDT

From: Hara Ra

>Max More wrote:
>> The recent discussion on spontaneous order encouraged me to do more thinking
>> about whether Spontaneous Order should be one the Extropian Principles.<snip>
>> have all led me to decide that it's time to remove this as a Principle.
>(sigh) SO is my FAVORITE Extropian Principle....

Hi, I'm a newcomer to this list, unlurking to express my ignorance.

When I first saw the term 'spontaneous order' on various Extropian web pages, it
immediately evoked in me thoughts of complexity theory, emergent behavior, and
the process of evolution. But I get the impression that among Extropians it's
generally used as a term for a certain kind of social order, or process of arriving at
a social order. To me, the larger view of 'spontaneous order' as an expression of the
concept that things in general (not just social things) have a potential to go from a
chaotic state to an ordered state is what's important, not just the potential for that
to occur within social systems.

Perhaps broadening the scope of the term would help make it more appropriate
as an Extropian Principle?

-Jeff Dee

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