Seeking the Truth

From: David Musick (
Date: Mon Sep 09 1996 - 20:26:11 MDT

Referring to the typical Christian, I said,

"Their blatant dogmatism is evidence that they don't seek the truth,"

Stephen de Vries replied,

"No. It is evidence that they don`t seek your truth. From what I`ve heard
from many christians is that they have found, and are very happy with, "the"

        I suppose I should clarify what I mean by "the truth" and what I mean by
"seeking the truth." "The truth" is the way things actually are. "My truth"
is the way things actually are for me. "Your truth" is the way things
actually are, for you. "Seeking the truth" is to actively search for a more
accurate perception and understanding of how things actually are, constantly
refining one's own observational and rational abilities, so that the way
things actually are can be perceived and understoond with greater clarity.
        Thus, I maintain that most people, including Christians, do not seek the
truth, whether that be my truth or their own truths. Yes, they may have found
a way of thinking and living that makes them happy, and they may call that
"the truth", but I think it would more accurately be called "a good way of
thinking and living", and not "the truth".
        I repeat, to "seek the truth" is to be actively engaged in increasing one's
own observational abilities (which include increasing sensory acuity and
personal bandwidth), and increasing one's reasoning abilities. It's about
developing an increasingly accurate understanding of the way things are.
        Yes, we each have our own viewpoint, our own set of data to analyze, and
thus, each individual would seek a different truth (if they seek at all).
However, I think it is valid to say that someone is not "seeking the truth" if
they are not actively working on clarifying their perception and understanding
of the data and thinking that is their personal world. I also think that most
people, including Christians, are NOT actively engaged in this process of
"seeking the truth."
        By saying, "most people do not seek the truth," I am not necessarily implying
that these people are bad people or anything like that. I intend it to have
the same sort of connotation as saying, "most people are not auto mechanics."
I'm simply stating a fact about what sort of activities they don't engage in.
Someone who does not really work on automobiles but likes to think of
theirself as an auto mechanic may be offended by being told that they are not
really an auto mechanic, and likewise, people who aren't really engaged in
improving the quality of their perception and understanding of their world but
like to think of themselves as truth-seekers may be offended by being told
that they really aren't seekers of the truth. But their offense does not
change the nature of their activities.

- David Musick

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