Re: The Poor Masses

From: Dr. Rich Artym (
Date: Sat Sep 07 1996 - 07:06:10 MDT

In message <>, writes:

> << As for uploading and becoming von neuman machines. Honestly, am I
> the only extropian who likes the flesh? >>
> Aack! Hell no - I love my body! Uploading for the purpose of making flesh or
> uber-flesh backups are the goal I would relish, not some virtual existential
> hell or heaven.

Hmmm, why is that? I don't actually understand this sentiment. No matter
how wonderful our current bodies may be, surely it is easy to conceive of
forms of existence that are not just superior but immensely more so? As
for virtual vs. real, that's a continuous spectrum of incarnations, not
black or white. Furthermore, anything that one may "relish" about one's
human body and one's human emotional machinery applies just as much and
more to whatever form one chooses to create artifically. Why then this
bias towards the terribly limited bodies provided by nature?


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