Re: The Poor Masses

From: Dick Gray (
Date: Wed Sep 04 1996 - 10:49:32 MDT

On Sep 4, 10:28am, Anders Sandberg wrote:

> On Wed, 4 Sep 1996 wrote:

> > Let contagious nanotech provide universal
> > barriers to all accidental conception. The population
> > would drop to very comfortable and elite levels within two
> > generations.
> Well, this scheme requires some work. I think there are plenty of people
> who wouldn't like the idea of an outside force interfering in their
> reproductive capacity (can you hear all the libertarians screaming
> "Coercion!!!"?).

And rightly so! Hey, aren't we extropians supposed to _be_ libertarians?

Respectfully - Dick
| Dick Gray, SFO | (602) 862-4322 | email: |
| System Administrator | FAX (602) 862-3322 | |
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