Re: >H Dynamic Individual Freedom

From: Natasha V. More(f/k/a/Nancie Clark) (
Date: Sun Sep 01 1996 - 22:54:52 MDT

At 12:17 AM 9/2/96 -0400, wrote:

>In a message dated 96-09-01 23:24:03 Rich, wrote:

>>>If you want an ideology that meets your own requirements exactly, I'm
>>>afraid you're going to have to develop it yourself, Natasha! (:-)

>IMO you are the only one who seems to want an ideology that meets only
>your own requirements, Rich!! Your own *subjective* requirements.

Natasha wrote:

>>Gee thanks Rich! But, no, I don't have to develop an new ideology, I am
>>already a Transhuman Extropian. And, I'm quite happy with that now. I can,
>>however, develop _myself_ and this action brings me great joy. I'm
>>automorphing my individual freedom.

>Second that, I develope myself, and you develope yourself, self
>authoring, not ignoring, or denying, but overcoming limits.
>Automorphing, the art form!I thank you for the word Natasha, I have been
>meaning to ask you, did you coin it yourself? I love it.

It's birth was given right here in my living room. Some pushing and pulling
and then Voila!

(Pssst ... I think Rich was just having fun with me (:-).)

Natasha Vita More
(f/k/a Nancie Clark)
"The best defense is an artful offense." Be Your Art.
Automorph Art "One thing is needed - 'to give style' to one's character -
a great and rare art!" Nietzsche

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