Re: Join The American Peace Movement

From: Mike Lorrey (
Date: Tue Dec 03 2002 - 18:51:56 MST

--- Hubert Mania <> wrote:
> Spudboy said:
> > Wow! I must be a lightning-rod for bad vibes from the Euro's.
> > Because, a few narcissitic
> > Leftists want America beaten to a pulp, does not mean I
> > chose to. That, in essence, is what
> > following the "peace movement" path seems to lead to.
> So, speaking up for peace means bad vibes meanwhile. Did not think it
> was "that" bad.

While I think that Spudboy meant 'nihilistic leftists', not narcissitic
(entirely opposite states, btw), he is essentially correct. Those who
are in the peace movement have taken the pacifist mantra to ludicrous
extremes and automatically assume anything that the US government does,
especially any GOP US government, is automatically evil and to be
opposed. They want the US to totally disarm, to not even respond to
attacks here at home because we so obviously deserve to be attacked for
our alleged past injustices.

I've parked my car to talk to some of these types who maintain a near
24/7 vigil near the busiest onramp to I-89 here in Lebanon, and are
generally Dartmouth students, here. Their grasp of logic and reality is
very badly skewed by the propaganda of Chomsky and others of the sort.
They are also heavily involved in the anti-extropic luddite and
anti-globalization movements which have been shown to be funded by
groups which also are known to fund insurgency and terrorist groups
around the world (like al Qaeda) from Latin America to Europe to the
muslim world.

I'd also like to point out that in the past year, groups like ELF and
ALF have changed their tactics from attacks on property to attacks on
persons. Executives and scientists with companies which conduct testing
on animals and introducing GM products have come under attack from
bombers and bat weilding gangs. In one example, one individual involved
in research that uses stapleguns on animals was attacked with a bomb
impregnated with hundreds of nails. Another animal researcher was
beaten to death by three hooded individuals with baseball bats (no
personal property was taken).

My earlier calls last year for more forceful action against the luddite
movement were rebuffed by many who claimed that the luddites had not
committed sufficient degrees of violence to justify such response. In
light of recent events, what sort of excuse do you now make?

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