Re: Charles Krauthammer

From: Mike Lorrey (
Date: Mon Dec 02 2002 - 15:01:42 MST

--- Ramez Naam <> wrote:
> From: []
> > For a real incisive mind, I would advance Washington Post
> > columnist, Charles Krauthammer, as one of the best minds of
> > this generation, regarding international policy. Krauthammer
> > is a neo-conservative who had written for The New Republic.
> I've often liked what I've read from Krauthammer on international
> policy, though I haven't read anything from him since 9/11, and
> suspect that I would disagree with many of his opinions since then.
> Perhaps more importantly to Extropians, Krauthammer sits on Bush's
> highly biased bioethics committee, and has shown some deeply
> anti-technology stripes in voting on their recommendations. He has
> come out publicly in favor of a ban on both reproductive and
> therapeutic cloning.

Nor is the New Republic known for its 'neo-conservative' writers. New
Republic is a decidedly moderate democrat mag rag. At best, he
represents the Lieberman wing of the party, siding with Bush on many
foreign policy and some socio-economic matters, while still advocating
authoritative statism that appeals to both Dems and Republicans

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