Re: botched diplomacy?

From: Charles Hixson (
Date: Mon Dec 02 2002 - 12:43:37 MST

spike66 wrote:

> ...
> ...And the more that administration risks getting thrown
> out on its ear in the next election. Fuel taxes are unpopular
> with the voting masses because they hit disproportionately
> the poorer people. I think thats why they have been avoided
> in the past: no one can figure out how to soak the rich.
> ...
> spike

FWIW: Most "soak the rich" taxes, don't. They soak the moderately well
off. The one's who used to be thought of as the lower-upper to
upper-lower classes (including the middle classes within the range).
The one's poorer than that can't pay the taxes, so they do without. The
ones above that level have tax lawyers that finagle their taxes so that
they end up subsidized by the government.
N.B.: I'm not claiming that only the very wealthy and the very poor are
subsidized. There are some others who manage this, but unless they are
unlucky they usually end up as very wealthy. (Examine the history of
Disney, e.g.)

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