Re: never a day passes (death penalty)

From: Hubert Mania (
Date: Thu Nov 28 2002 - 02:47:39 MST

Rafal wrote:

> On a more practical note, I could live with the anti-death-penaltists
> (should we call them "pro-lifers"?) paying for the indefinite
> of those I deem worthy of being killed. If I am not forced to feed a
> murderer, and he is effectively neutralized, I will be satisfied.

> Now, how much of your own money would you personally pay to feed murderers
> in prisons? Are you going to support your high-minded moral sentiments
> cold, hard cash?

So, you reduce it to a finacial issue. Fine. I will not spend my energy on
starting a non profit org that raises funds for murderers. But I pay taxes
and I guess that will do it. So some 0,00000123 cents of my taxes will
probably pay for 10 minutes of locking a murderer away. Anyway, does not
Justitia make them work in prison so a part of the costs for locking them
away will be paid by the murderers' own efforts. This might be a solution
and is probably be practised everywhere.

But even if murderers could not work for their "living" in jail, I would
plead for keeping them alive. I believe, Justitia has no right to kill a
human, even if he is a murderer.

> ### Why? What's so bad about killing a killer? I see no breach of any
> universally accepted ethical principle here?
> Rafal

If you don`t *feel*, it is wrong, Rafal, it is wasted energy to discuss this
issue. We will never agree. I do not have the ambition to convince you that
capital punishment is disgusting.


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