Re: Join The American Peace Movement

Date: Tue Nov 26 2002 - 18:14:09 MST

In a message dated 11/26/2002 6:51:20 PM Central Standard Time, writes: But I am against the rule and frankly, the
exitance of Bin Ladin, some of the other creepy Wahabbis, the
Baathists-Socialists like Saddam, Assad, as well as the Shiite yo-yo's who
partake rulership in Iran, Hezzbollah, and Islamic Jihad.
       If you want something in the way of transhumanism, please take not of
the afore listed baddies; because they cannot even handle humanism, let alone

       Please tell me how we will ever handle transhumanism or any
significant progress with a bunch of guys that only want to sit around and
whine? There is an analogy used about a pie. They say that if you want more
pie you have to either take some or another person's pie or you have to make
a bigger pie and get the same share as before. Actually the capitalists has
managed to accomplish two ends at the same time -- by making a bigger enough
pie he/she has gotten more pie for himself and had left enough pie to not
only give others more pie but to feed more people as well.
       When I was reading the naysayers earlier today I kept remembering
Heinlein's statement that it was not only easier to be a living lion than a
dead jackel it was more fun also. Stand up we have nothing to lose but our
Ron h

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