Re: Join The American Peace Movement

Date: Tue Nov 26 2002 - 16:44:30 MST

Wow! I must be a lightning-rod for bad vibes from the Euro's. Because, a few narcissitic Leftists want America beaten to a pulp, does not mean I chose to. That, in essence, is what following the "peace movement" path seems to lead to.

Should I go down the line and shoot down these "celebrities" because they have participated in catering to the Leftist, Anti-Americans, who head Deutschland? Naaaaaw! I will leave that to more capable gadflies, and simply state that I am not for or against such lights of civilization, like Patti Smith, or Oliver Stone.

But I am against the rule and frankly, the exitance of Bin Ladin, some of the other creepy Wahabbis, the Baathists-Socialists like Saddam, Assad, as well as the Shiite yo-yo's who partake rulership in Iran, Hezzbollah, and Islamic Jihad.

If you want something in the way of transhumanism, please take not of the afore listed baddies; because they cannot even handle humanism, let alonne transhumanism.

In a message dated 11/26/2002 4:20:56 PM Eastern Standard Time, writes:

> The German newsmagazine "Der Spiegel" - sent a reporter to
> New York to interview some US celebrities who engage in the small but fine
> Peace Movement. He talked to Al Pacino, the son of Martin Luther
> King, Patty Smith, Oliver Stone, Noam Chomsky et al. who feel they have to
> do "something" to express their worries about the political course of the
> US Government. I thought, the article might inspire some of the more
> critical persons on the list and might give you the feeling you are not
> alone.
> There is country singer Steve Earle. He wrote a song about John Walker
> Lindh, who got caught by US soldiers with the Taliban in Afghanistan and was
> sentenced to 20 years of jail this October. Jay Leno and David Letterman
> have cancelled Earle's appearance on their shows. No radio station plays his
> song which tries to understand a boy who was on a spiritual quest, trying to
> find himself.
> Al Pacino deliberately acts in the play "Arturo Ui" by Bertolt Brecht which
> is a disguised name for Adolf Hitler and shows his rise to power.Pacino
> makes clear that Nazi-Germany is not the *only* possible analogy to Arturo
> Ui. And to emphazise his stance, that he wants to warn about the American
> Government, he projects the US Constitution at the stage wall.
> Patty Smith got a reception by Germanys Bundeskanzler Schroeder on her
> concert tour through Germany this summer. She says she admires him for
> standing up against a war on Iraq.
> Martin Luther King III:
> "My father said in 1968: 'The bombs we throw on Vietnam will one day explode
> back home.' This was true then and it still is true, when we talk about the
> war on Iraq. You harvest what you sow."
> Oliver Stone:
> "This all reminds me of Germany in the 1930s, the same paranoia, and just
> like then, anger is an argument again. The Americans are angry because they
> have lost 3000 people in World Trade Center. The media and the politicians
> don't want a discussion, they want this anger. But if you imagine Bush with
> a small beard, he would look like Hitler. I know, I should not say that in a
> German magazine. But as a movie director I know: He could play Hitler."
> Noam Chomsky (talking every night in front of several thousand people):
> "There is this need for information and clarification. People don't want to
> be put up with things any more. These demonstrations are unprecedented,
> because they take place *before* the war has started. But the movement is
> not connected. The country is so huge. People are
> frightened because
> everybody thinks she is alone."
> Join the American Peace Movement:
> The Pledge of Resistance
> Not in our name
> will you wage endless war
> there can be no more deaths
> no more transfusions
> of blood for oil
> Not in our name
> will you invade countries
> bomb civilians, kill more children
> letting history take its course
> over the graves of the nameless
> Not in our name
> will you erode the very freedoms
> you have claimed to fight for
> Not by our hands
> will we supply weapons and funding
> for the annihilation of families
> on foreign soil
> Not by our mouths
> will we let fear silence us
> Not by our hearts
> will we allow whole peoples
> or countries to be deemed evil
> Not by our will
> and Not in our name
> We pledge resistance
> We pledge alliance with those
> who have come under attack
> for voicing opposition to the war
> or for their religion or ethnicity
> We pledge to make common cause
> with the people of the world
> to bring about justice,
> freedom and peace
> Another world is possible
> and we pledge to make it real.

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