Re: botched diplomacy

From: Hubert Mania (
Date: Mon Nov 25 2002 - 05:34:32 MST

Amara said:

> Among the hypocrisy and ironies about the country that is flag-waving
> the world's freedom, it that it has given it up so much freedom
> within its own borders. Now international human rights organization
> are watching the U.S. So what is going on? Did the U.S. citizens
> fall asleep ?

and gave a link to a "reason" editorial. Quoting from that one:

"How wrong, then, that we've dealt away some of our freedom and privacy for
a promise of safety and security.",

I would like to give a hint. As Olga Bourlin outlined in her post yesterday,
the East German secret police "Stasi" had 1 spy nosing around on every 6.5
citizens - an outstanding world record.

Now, if you translate "Stasi", which is an abbreviation for
"Staatssicherheit", with a tiny little grain of "poetical freedom", you get
the term "Homeland Security".

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