RE: The Collapse of Western Civilization and Other News

From: Phil Osborn (
Date: Wed Nov 20 2002 - 20:28:27 MST

I hope somebody has a reference on this, as I kept
getting garbage when I searched, but sometime last
week I heard on the news or read when I was in a hurry
and mutlitasking that the SEC is now saying that the
full cost for the corporate malfeasance both
discovered and still hidden is estimated at $6
trillion, or an average of $60,000 per U.S. household.

That's a bunch. This would certainly help explain
this mad push to war (actually, I have thought all
along that Bush was making an awfully damn good play,
as far as that's possible in military brinkmanship -
all the Leftists moaning about American Imperialism
(certainly a legit concern, but misfocused here) not
really taking into account that the more Saddam is
convinced that Bush is a nut case out to kill him, the
more likely that he will actually comply with
inspections, etc., whereas if he gets any idea that
it's a bluff, you know exactly how he'll respond - but
Iraq is sure handy as a distraction, too.)

Anything to keep the proles from noticing that they've
had the financial rug jerked out from under them.
Wonder when they'll impact the floor?
is an interesting link posted on the
site. The article discusses trusting black boxed
solutions from a programmer's standpoint, but the
message is a lot more generally applicable. As in,
"hand the nice broker your money, honey. He'll take
care of you." And then there was that Stossel special
on how looks matter. The guy with the expertise but
the so-so appearance is ignored, while the handsome,
TALL!, BLOND!, guy with the executive hair is
virtually hired on the instant as a broker without
even opening his mouth. No questions about knowledge,
credential, experience - "Wow, this guy just LOOKs
like a natural on our team."

On a totally different note: The Orange County
Register just ran a special on aggressive young women.
 Nothing about 4-byes or Road Rage, just noting that
the teenage girls are getting pretty fiesty, even
asking guys out... even asking guys for sex! Shades
of the '60's.

My take: the typically lousy attitude of the older
women toward men in the U.S. - "who cares about single
men" (to quote one of our frequent female posters to
this list) - has left a HUGE market opportunity. Most
women won't break with fashion even if it's killing
them (as in the long, ground-dragging dresses of the
late 19th century - a known major source of disease
transmission even then), but fashion is age-segmented.
 So, let the older women behave like nasty blood
suckers. Fine. The young women will take over the
whole market and men will simply ignore the others.
Tooooo BAAAD..

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