Re: Planned economies (was: Replies to Ron h and John Clark regarding...)

From: John K Clark (
Date: Mon Nov 18 2002 - 01:48:58 MST

"Robert J. Bradbury" <>

>"Economy" by definition implies decisions on how to allocate
> funds/resources. I do not spend 18 hours a day executing such decisions.
> Economic decisions probably consume ~10-15 minutes a day determining what
> to buy at the grocery store and perhaps an additional couple of hours
> a month for the decisions/bill paying regarding economic "necessities".

What you watch on TV effects the economy, so does what movies you go to and
the books you read, so does the car you drive how much you drive and how you
drive, so does what you eat. Work is part of the economy too and if you only
need to do that for 15 minutes a day then I admire you greatly.

Also there would be a sort of arms race, I can buy computers too and if I
can figure out from them that the master computer is going to lower interest
rates next week then I'll buy a lot of bonds today and make a lot of money
and screw up the master computer's calculations in the process.

> Moore's Law isn't making individuals smarter or more complex -- its
>letting them run Quicken faster

By the time computer technology is anywhere near the sort of thing you're
talking about uploaded minds will not only be possible but inevitable, and
they will be smarter more complex and faster than anything this planet has
seen before. And as complex as the uploads are the way they interact among
themselves, the economy, will be even more complex.

            John K Clark

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