Re: fruits of Bill Gates labor worth $50 billion

Date: Fri Nov 15 2002 - 17:30:06 MST

In a message dated 11/15/2002 2:49:04 PM Central Standard Time, writes: The vast majority of the technical community
regards Microsoft products as low quality, bloated, and focused much more on
bells and whistles than actual functionality. A high percentage of the
"innovations" were actually bought or stolen from somewhere else. The market
dominance is the result of the biggest flaw of a real-world free market
system, non-informed consumers, readily exploited by a very good marketing
team. The subsequent monopoly was the result of various illegal activities,
as found by a variety of legal courts.

       In my entire engineering career I never once built anything that I
wouldn't have improved vastly had I had a 2nd shot at it. Naturally Ford,
Gates, etal didn't do anything as well as someone else could have done it
later. But our system in its wisdom said we will go ahead and give
innovators a patent and exclusive rights for a period of years -- it is
better to have the innovation even at the price of the obvious inefficiency
that causes.
       If you look at Gates or Ford's works and say I can improve on that all
I hear is a recitation of the obvious. We should improve on their efforts --
we stand on their shoulders.
       Now, is the patent period proper? I think that is very debatable.
But some want stronger laws, some want weaker.
Ron h.

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