Re: fruits of Bill Gates labor worth $50 billion

From: Eugen Leitl (
Date: Fri Nov 15 2002 - 10:35:28 MST

On Fri, 15 Nov 2002, Randall Randall wrote:

> You're giving Bill Gates credit for the personal computer?!

Pretty strong tobacco, isn't it? Especially looking at this piece of
semiconductor crap the unholy IBM/Intel/MS triumvirate has given us.
Nevermind that MS invented the Internet, too...

It is hard to see a more dismal reality branch in regards to the current
hardware and software landcape than the one we're traversing. The best of
all possible worlds _this_ sure ain't.

But that's not sufficient reason to get BillG in jail, despite giving us
about the most unstable, insecure and bloated mainstream possible. And you
can certainly credit him for the daily viral load in your inbox, and the
traffic it causes on the Net infrastructure. Can't blame him for spam
though, here's a place where he's innocent, for a change.

But the market is never wrong, right? By definition. I guess the judicial
system is always right, too. By definition. So if Redmond is acquitted, we
can nominate Bill for the Nobel peace price, or something.

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