Re: Replies to Ron h and John Clark regarding the nature of socialism, capita...

From: Max M (
Date: Fri Nov 15 2002 - 02:14:09 MST

Mike Lorrey wrote:

> --- wrote:
> I said that socialists, and most other leftists, are stupid,

Well that's funny. I have a hard time taking libertarians seriously
because they keep on insisting that they have the insight into economics
that the rest of us lack.

And whenever one engages in a discussion with a libertarian the burden
of proof is very quickly reversed. They don't have to proove that
Libertarianism works because it supports current economic theories, but
the rest of us has to proove that it will not work.

Even thouh there has never been a libertarian society anywhere, they
claim it to be better than socialism. Which has at least been able to
produce stable societies. Like here in Scandinavia ie.

I find such certainty in extreme viewpoints a bit scary!

Both the absolutely liberal and the absolutely social view of economics
are interresting as extremes, to be able to better guess the
consequences of economic meassures. But I don't think either are very
viable as a practical implementations of an economy.

regards Max M Rasmussen, Denmark
Secular humanistic Pragmatic liberalist ;-)

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