From: Robert J. Bradbury (
Date: Sat Nov 02 2002 - 17:16:36 MST

On Sat, 2 Nov 2002, Lee Corbin wrote:

> [snip] and intellectuals like me need to emulate
> the nice folks who sometimes help unjam a printer or give
> good advice for painting a door.

Lee, like "Oh my ghod" [read Val-grrl accent], you actually know
how to "paint a door". What an extropic skill!!! That has
to be right up there with Spike's ability to rebuild brakes
(while attempting to shorten his lifespan). Lord, I am simply
stunned. I'm going to have to devote the next full 2 days
to determine whether I have in my toolbox of experiences
similar extropic "claims to greatness".

If not, its clear I should make my way to the nearest extropic
pyramid and offer myself up for a blood-letting ritual. At
least they will be able to recycle the iron and use it for
something useful.

:-) ?

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