Re: The principles of founding a virtual country

From: Brett Paatsch (
Date: Thu Oct 31 2002 - 03:06:28 MST

Frederick Mann wrote:
> For an attempt to start a "virtual country," see:
> * #TL01: Behold! - Terra Libra
> * #TL01A: The Terra Libra Empire
> * Economic Means To Freedom
> * What Constitutes a Solution?
> Frederick Mann

 There's quite a bit of material behind these links but I got the strong impression I'd wandered in a pyramid selling scheme.

The following statements contributed to the impression.

#TL01: pg 2

"we don't ask for donations. You are paid for your efforts. *We have devised a simple marketing method*. You distribute a flier with your name on it. *You receive a commission for every order you generate*.

If you get involved to a greater degree, you can become a *Patron* and/or a *Professional Liberator*. You will be listed in Report #TL02a: Freedom Technology Directory. Once you *understand* some factors *explained later* in this report you will be able to see how you can help liberate the world and make a fortune from your efforts"

Well I read the report and I don't understand, or at least, there are a lot of statements with which I would disagree.

At p 3 the Potential for Terra Libra you say "the source of all the "problems" is in the individual human mind".

p 4 "We live in a world dominated by marauders with computers and guns".

and "The very fact that we have conscious brains, the ability to reason, and the power of choice implies that we are naturally sovereign as individuals"

At p 5 "the reason the world is not free is because individuals are weak"

"the solution to all the worlds "problems" is to increase personal power"

"when you run your business the way the government tells you to, you practice personal weakness"

I've had intelligent friends who've gotten involved with pyramid selling schemes. I recognize them by their characteristic selling of the right to sell the same right to sell indefinitely.

I normally think it is a discourtesy not to reply to a reasoned argument but as in this case you didn't give actually give one you just referred me to the material in the above links I think the above response of my impressions is proportional.

I hope no other readers of this thread associate me with Terra Libra.


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