RE: Math question

From: Emlyn O'regan (
Date: Tue Oct 29 2002 - 16:59:37 MST

A couple of extra points:

> I thought Emlyn's estimate was rather ingenious, but no, it didn't
> take that into account

(answered elsewhere)

> nor were his numbers exact, but it was an
> interesting shortcut approach that gets damn close to the right
> answer

If I ran it for long enough, the precision would be pretty high.

> with a lot less work.

Well, I wonder... you be the judge.


unit fu_TestCF;


  Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs,
  ComCtrls, StdCtrls, ExtCtrls;

  TfrmTestCF = class(TForm)
    Label1: TLabel;
    rgBias: TRadioGroup;
    edRuns: TEdit;
    sbMain: TStatusBar;
    Label2: TLabel;
    edResult: TEdit;
    btnCalc: TButton;
    rgLessThan5: TRadioGroup;
    Label3: TLabel;
    procedure btnCalcClick(Sender: TObject);
    { Private declarations }
    { Public declarations }

  frmTestCF: TfrmTestCF;


uses math;

{$R *.DFM}

procedure TfrmTestCF.btnCalcClick(Sender: TObject);
    dblTailProbSum: double;
    darrCoinflips: array [0..19] of integer;
    intRuns: integer;
    intRunCount, intFlipCount: integer;
    intRemovedCount: integer;
    intTails, intHeads: integer;
    bRedoTrial: boolean;
    intStep: integer;
    cursSave: TCursor;
    sbMain.SimpleText := '';
    edResult.Text := '';
    cursSave := screen.Cursor;
    screen.Cursor := crHourglass;

        intRuns := StrToInt(edRuns.text) * 1000;
        intRuns := 0;

    if intRuns > 0 then
        dblTailProbSum := 0;
        intStep := max(intRuns div 100, 1);

        for intRunCount := 0 to intRuns-1 do
            if (intRunCount mod intStep) = 0 then
                sbMain.SimpleText := 'Run ' + IntToStr(intRunCount);

            bRedoTrial := true;
            while bRedoTrial do
                bRedoTrial := false;

                for intFlipCount := 0 to 19 do
                    if (Random < 0.5) then
                        darrCoinFlips[intFlipCount] := 0
                        darrCoinFlips[intFlipCount] := 1;

                intRemovedCount := 0;
                if rgBias.ItemIndex = 0 then
                    // biased

                    // first remove heads
                    intFlipCount := 0;
                    while (intRemovedCount < 5) and (intFlipCount < 20) do
                        if darrCoinFlips[intFlipCount] = 1 then
                            darrCoinFlips[intFlipCount] := -1;

                    if rgLessThan5.ItemIndex = 0 then
                        // allow less than 5 heads in biased sample

                        // now remove tails when no heads left and haven't
removed enough
                        intFlipCount := 0;
                        while (intRemovedCount < 5) and (intFlipCount < 20)
                            if darrCoinFlips[intFlipCount] > -1 then
                                darrCoinFlips[intFlipCount] := -1;
                        // must be fifteen flips left.
                        // don't allow less than 5 heads in biased sample

                        // redo the trial if there were less than 5 heads in
                        bRedoTrial := (intRemovedCount < 5);
                    // unbiased
                    // just remove the first 5 coin flips
                    intFlipCount := 0;
                    while (intFlipCount < 5) do
                        darrCoinFlips[intFlipCount] := -1;

            // now count up frequencies and calc probability from
            // values that are greater than -1.

            intHeads := 0;
            intTails := 0;
            for intFlipCount := 0 to 19 do
                if darrCoinFlips[intFlipCount] = 0 then
                else if darrCoinFlips[intFlipCount] = 1 then

            // Now calculate the result
            dblTailProbSum := dblTailProbSum + (intTails / (intHeads +

        // now calculate and report the results.
        edResult.Text := format('%.4f', [dblTailProbSum / intRuns]);
        sbMain.SimpleText := 'Calculation Complete.';
        sbMain.SimpleText := 'Number of Runs must be an integer.';
    screen.Cursor := cursSave;


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