Re: why "anarcho-capitalism" is an oxymoron

From: Charles Hixson (
Date: Tue Oct 22 2002 - 10:13:46 MDT

Lee Daniel Crocker wrote:

>>(Charles Hixson <>):
>>Private property and "the state" both existed before the idea of
>>capitalism did. They have clear pre-human antecedants...
>>Capitalism is probably a human invention. I'm not even sure how it could
>>be defined so that we could look around for non-human analogs.
>Bonobos will trade sexual favors for food. Sounds like capitalism
>to me.
It might be. In that case so is a preying mantis trading possible
suicide for sex. I don't have a definition of capitalism that is
precise enough for me to tell.

-- Charles Hixson
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